Workshops, Meetings and Webinars


Event Location Date Material
EPOS Seismology Workshop 2023 Podgorica, Montenegro 9-11 October 2023 Presentations
ORFEUS | EPOS SP | AdriaArray Workshop 2023 Dubrovnik, Croatia 3-5 April 2023 Presentations
ORFEUS | EPOS SP | AdriaArray Workshop 2022 Potsdam, Germany 6-7 October 2022 Presentations
ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop 2021 Virtual 8-9 November 2021 Presentations
ORFEUS / EPOS-SP / AdriaArray WORKSHOP Virtual 2-6 November 2020 Presentations
EPOS Seismology Workshop 2019 Grenoble, France 7-10 October 2019 Presentations
ORFEUS Workshop 2018 Athens, Greece 12-14 November 2018 Presentations
2017 European OBS Technical Workshop Paris, France 6-7 November 2017 Presentations
ORFEUS-EPOS-S Workshop Lisbon, Portugal 25-27 October 2017 Presentations
FDSN WGII Workshop Utrecht, Netherlands 22-23 March 2017
ORFEUS Annual Workshop 2016 / EPOS OBS-MSP Dubrovnik, Crotia 25-28 October 2016 Presentations
ORFEUS Annual Workshop 2015 Bucharest, Romania 21-24 September 2015 Presentations

ORFEUS Webinars

Name Presenter Date
EIDA-Wfcatalog and FDSN-Availability tutorial including clients usage examples (Please find the link to Jupyter notebook). J. Bienkowski and V. Petrakopoulos 20 June 2024
How to curate and check seismic station metadata + metadata changelog API (Please find the link to Jupyter notebook). S. Schneider 31 May 2024
Overview of ORFEUS EIDA Services and How To Use Them C. Cauzzi 4 April 2024
New ORFEUS ESM webservices: use of event-data and flatfile E. Russo 25 March 2024
Overview of ORFEUS Strong-Motion Services and How To Use Them C. Cauzzi 6 March 2024
Introduction to obsinfo W. Crawford 12 April 2023
PyGLImER P. Makus and L. Sawade 28 October 2022
AutoStatsQ G. Petersen 24 October 2022
REXELweb S. Sgobba 9 March 2022
ESM Database Web Services C. Felicetta 10 September 2021
The European Rapid Raw Strong Motion Database C. Cauzzi 11 May 2021
EIDA Combined use of FDSNWS-Dataselect and EIDAWS-WFCatalog J. Bienkowski and N. Triantafyllis 26 March 2021
EIDA Authentication and Authorisation J. Quinteros 14 December 2020
EIDA Data Access J. Quinteros 24 November 2020
The engineering strong-motion database G. Lanzano 21 October 2020
Overview of current services C. Cauzzi 3 July 2020