Station metadata can be retrieved using FDSNWS-Station. This example requests station metadata from EIDA node NOA for stations within 0.7° arc-distance
of 40°N, 23°E. The response will be a stationXML file with stations located in the
selected area. Note that this request will only return stations within the data holdings of the
respective node.
Alternatively, station metadata and instrument response can be requested for stations or
Stations that belong to other networks may need to be downloaded from another data center (ref:Routing).
The EIDAWS-Federator web service can be used to
browse entire EIDA metadata inventory in a single request. Following request will return metadata
of stations located within 5° arc-distance
of 42.645°N, 18.016°E (Dubrovnik), hosted by INGV, NOA and NIEP.