Network details

Network Code: 5M 2018

Network Start Date: 2018/1/1

Network Description: BravoSeis

Network Restricted Status: closed


List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
AST Latitude: -63.327300, Longitude: -58.702700 Station Astrolabe Island, Antarctic Peninsula 2018/3/1
BYE Latitude: -62.666500, Longitude: -61.099200 Station Peninsula Byers, Livingston Island 2018/2/24
DCP Latitude: -62.977500, Longitude: -60.678200 Station Base Gabriel de Castilla, Deception Island 2018/2/23
ERJ Latitude: -62.024360, Longitude: -57.649110 Station ERJ, East of King George Island 2019/1/9
FER Latitude: -62.089760, Longitude: -58.406550 Station Base Ferraz, King George Island 2019/1/8
FRE Latitude: -62.206800, Longitude: -58.960700 Station Base Frei, King George Island 2018/2/27
GUR Latitude: -62.307530, Longitude: -59.195970 Station Base Guruchaga, Nelson Island 2019/1/8
HMI Latitude: -62.595800, Longitude: -59.903870 Station Base Camara, Half Moon Island 2019/1/7
LVN Latitude: -62.662700, Longitude: -60.387500 Station Base Juan Carlos I, Livingston Island 2018/2/23
OHI Latitude: -63.322100, Longitude: -57.897300 Station Base O'Higgins, Antarctic Peninsula 2018/2/28
PEN Latitude: -62.099320, Longitude: -57.936730 Station PEN, Penguin Island 2019/1/8
ROB Latitude: -62.379350, Longitude: -59.703530 Station ROB, Robert Island 2019/1/7
SNW Latitude: -62.727870, Longitude: -61.200300 Station SNW, Snow Island 2019/1/5
TOW Latitude: -63.592100, Longitude: -59.782800 Station Tower Island, Antarctic Peninsula 2018/3/2