Network details

Network Code: 2D 2021

Network Start Date: 2021/1/1

Network Description: Eifel CVO Observation Network

Network Restricted Status: open

List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
BEMS Latitude: 50.352530, Longitude: 7.729880 Old mining shaft, sensor is 130 meters into the shaft. 2024/6/1
BINZ Latitude: 50.514960, Longitude: 6.907050 Old mining shaft 'Gretelstollen', sensor is ~140 meters into the shaft. 2024/6/1
DREA Latitude: 50.290620, Longitude: 7.412540 BBQ hut, sensor placed on outcrop. 2024/6/1
EF02 Latitude: 50.363290, Longitude: 7.250040 Station Elisabetbrunnen, Germany 2021/10/7
EF03 Latitude: 50.368780, Longitude: 7.328850 Station Flugplatz Mendig, Germany 2021/10/4
WEID Latitude: 50.456930, Longitude: 7.016540 Unused water storage tank, sensor is placed on the bottom. 2024/6/1