Network details

Network Code: GU 1980

Network Start Date: 1980/1/1

Network Description: Regional Seismic Network of North Western Italy

Network Restricted Status: open


List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
BHB Latitude: 44.835500, Longitude: 7.263000 Bricherasio (TO) - Italy 2006/10/26
BIGN Latitude: 43.870800, Longitude: 7.737800 Bignone 2024/5/14
BLANC Latitude: 45.844400, Longitude: 6.934000 P.ta Helbronner (AO) - Italy 2018/9/27
BURY Latitude: 43.782500, Longitude: 7.557000 Villa Hanbury (IM) - Italy 2015/4/14
CANO Latitude: 44.207500, Longitude: 8.237200 Canova, Magliolo (SV) - Italy 2015/9/1
CARD Latitude: 44.026100, Longitude: 10.482100 Cardoso-Stazzema(LU) - Italy 2013/2/5
CIRO Latitude: 45.601900, Longitude: 7.568100 Champorcher (AO) - Italy 2009/6/5
ENR Latitude: 44.229400, Longitude: 7.418200 Entracque (CN) - Italy 2011/5/4
EQUI Latitude: 44.166000, Longitude: 10.153000 Equi Terme (MS) - Italy 2012/4/26
FINB Latitude: 44.177500, Longitude: 8.325300 Finale Ligure 2009/1/19
FIVI Latitude: 44.239400, Longitude: 10.127100 Fivizzano (MS) - Italy 2018/9/13
FOSD Latitude: 44.107600, Longitude: 9.997100 Fosdinovo 2013/6/23
GBOS Latitude: 44.241600, Longitude: 7.839900 Grotte di Bossea (CN) - Italy 2011/10/26
GENL Latitude: 44.405700, Longitude: 8.969700 Genova 2018/6/12
GORR Latitude: 44.607100, Longitude: 9.292600 Gorreto (GE) - Italy 2012/3/14
GRAM Latitude: 44.490400, Longitude: 10.065000 Graiana (PR) - Italy 2012/12/3
GSCL Latitude: 44.350600, Longitude: 10.588000 Gusciola (MO) - Italy 2016/1/20
IMI Latitude: 43.910500, Longitude: 7.893170 IMPERIA 2003/3/1
LSD Latitude: 45.459600, Longitude: 7.133900 Lago del Serru` (TO) - Italy 2007/7/5
MAIM Latitude: 43.913100, Longitude: 10.491600 Mastiano (LU) - Italy 2006/5/18
MASSA Latitude: 44.013900, Longitude: 10.115300 MASSA 2019/6/11
MGRO Latitude: 44.042600, Longitude: 7.808200 Montegrosso Pianlatte 2012/10/10
NEGI Latitude: 43.846170, Longitude: 7.702670 Perinaldo 2010/12/9
PCP Latitude: 44.541300, Longitude: 8.545500 Piancastagna, Ponzone (AL) - Italy 2006/10/10
POPM Latitude: 44.045000, Longitude: 10.756800 Popiglio,Piteglio(PT) - Italy 2010/10/28
PZZ Latitude: 44.506500, Longitude: 7.115700 Stroppo (CN) - Italy 2007/5/7
REMY Latitude: 45.837800, Longitude: 7.156500 St Remy en Bosses(AO)- Italy 2011/10/1
RNCA Latitude: 44.471100, Longitude: 8.951200 Ronca, Sant`Olcese(GE) - Italy 2015/5/28
RORO Latitude: 44.112500, Longitude: 8.066700 Castelbianco (SV) - Italy 2003/11/27
ROTM Latitude: 44.849300, Longitude: 8.352300 Rocchetta Tanaro (AT) - Italy 2011/2/12
RRL Latitude: 44.921000, Longitude: 6.790000 Cesana Torinese (TO) - Italy 2010/2/16
RSP Latitude: 45.148200, Longitude: 7.264900 Reno Superiore (TO) - Italy 2006/5/17
SARM Latitude: 44.184020, Longitude: 10.400800 Sassorosso (LU) - Italy 2011/2/22
SATI Latitude: 45.875400, Longitude: 7.868500 Passo dei Salati (AO) - Italy 2009/11/26
SC2M Latitude: 44.404300, Longitude: 9.534300 Scurtabo 2006/6/25
STV Latitude: 44.245100, Longitude: 7.326300 Sant`Anna di Valdieri(CN) - Italy 2006/5/18
TRAV Latitude: 45.512200, Longitude: 7.746100 Traversella (TO) - Italy 2007/4/18