Network details

Network Code: GL 1950

Network Start Date: 1950/1/1

Network Description: Guadeloupe Seismic and Volcano Observatory Network

Network Restricted Status: open


List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
AMC Latitude: 16.047680, Longitude: -61.665900 Morne Amic 2003/2/1
ATG Latitude: 16.096210, Longitude: -61.726320 Morne Soldat ancien code MSG 2003/12/26
BBL Latitude: 15.526130, Longitude: -61.469480 Dominique Barbers Block ou Morne Espagnol 1986/12/30
BLK Latitude: 16.042910, Longitude: -61.661230 Gouffre Breislack 1997/2/27
BRG Latitude: 16.082360, Longitude: -61.623860 Bois Riant 1979/3/30
CAG Latitude: 16.052450, Longitude: -61.663420 Carmichael 1978/1/1
CDE Latitude: 16.040690, Longitude: -61.660640 Col de l Echelle 1968/1/1
CSC Latitude: 16.043085, Longitude: -61.662848 Cratere Sud Centre 2021/6/1
DOG Latitude: 16.029760, Longitude: -61.621550 Morne Dongo 1978/9/20
ECG Latitude: 16.040010, Longitude: -61.657240 Echelle 1992/9/25
F30 Latitude: 16.040980, Longitude: -61.662210 Faille 30 Aout 1980/1/1
FNG Latitude: 16.058390, Longitude: -61.690330 Fonds Bernard 1989/10/13
FNO Latitude: 16.046140, Longitude: -61.663630 Fente du Nord 1985/3/28
GAL Latitude: 16.030290, Longitude: -61.663090 Chute du Galion 1992/1/1
GDI Latitude: 15.836550, Longitude: -61.594650 Grand ilet 2022/12/15
HMG Latitude: 15.979600, Longitude: -61.703440 Houelmont 1994/3/23
LKG Latitude: 16.042700, Longitude: -61.661680 Breislack 1993/6/3
LZG Latitude: 16.140790, Longitude: -61.775500 Morne Lezard 1998/6/12
MAG Latitude: 16.014640, Longitude: -61.642620 Madeleine 2004/3/30
MML Latitude: 16.044540, Longitude: -61.669070 Mamelle 2003/3/26
MOG Latitude: 16.058040, Longitude: -61.715450 Mont d'Or 1978/6/8
RNO Latitude: 16.037150, Longitude: -61.676600 Riviere Noire 1991/7/10
SAV Latitude: 16.038770, Longitude: -61.665320 Savane . Mulet Domoscan 2009/9/29
SCG Latitude: 16.026360, Longitude: -61.686040 Parnasse St-Claude 1997/1/8
SEG Latitude: 16.402370, Longitude: -61.512840 Port-Louis 1980/11/7
SFG Latitude: 16.250660, Longitude: -61.200410 Saint-Francois 1979/3/11
STG Latitude: 16.085910, Longitude: -61.682430 Sans Toucher 1978/6/21
TAG Latitude: 16.039080, Longitude: -61.668350 Tarade 1978/1/1
TBG Latitude: 15.851930, Longitude: -61.645360 Terre de Bas, Les Saintes 2004/11/26
TDBSM Latitude: 15.816380, Longitude: -61.634440 Terre-de-Bas Sous-Marine 2021/6/1