Network details

Network Code: 8D 1980

Network Start Date: 1980/1/1

Network Description: Temporary deployments in Switzerland associated with aftershocks, sequences

Network Restricted Status: open


List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
A060B Latitude: 46.993000, Longitude: 7.977640 Romoos, Napf, BE, Switzerland 2022/12/19
LULY1 Latitude: 46.183100, Longitude: 6.068230 Bernex, Chemin des Olliers, GE 2019/10/25
LULY2 Latitude: 46.138790, Longitude: 6.033440 Soral, Chemin de l’ancien château, GE 2019/10/18
LULY3 Latitude: 46.152660, Longitude: 6.127020 Plan-les-Ouates, Chemin de Badosse, GE 2019/10/8
SGT06 Latitude: 47.461100, Longitude: 9.322000 Bernhardzellerwald, SG 2013/6/4
SGT07 Latitude: 47.453000, Longitude: 9.240400 Herzwilerwald, SG 2013/6/4
SGT08 Latitude: 47.377700, Longitude: 9.307900 Churzenberg, SG 2013/6/4
SGT09 Latitude: 47.404600, Longitude: 9.396900 Stueleggwald, SG 2013/6/4
SGT10 Latitude: 47.448200, Longitude: 9.364500 Unterlaesserhof, SG 2013/7/25
SGT11 Latitude: 47.446200, Longitude: 9.286700 Feldriedwald, SG 2013/7/25
SGT12 Latitude: 47.495200, Longitude: 9.387500 Haselwald, SG 2013/7/25
SGT13 Latitude: 47.461900, Longitude: 9.328300 Bernhardzellerwald, SG 2013/10/9
SGT15 Latitude: 47.405670, Longitude: 9.396400 Stueleggwald, SG 2013/10/9
SGT16 Latitude: 47.452800, Longitude: 9.239500 Herzwilerwald, SG 2013/11/7
SGT17 Latitude: 47.464400, Longitude: 9.308300 Schauberg, SG 2013/11/7