Network details

Network Code: 4N 2023

Network Start Date: 2023/9/1

Network Description: FRAME - Fast Response Aftershock network for the Moroccan Earthquake 2023

Network Restricted Status: n/a


List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
AGA Latitude: 31.477819, Longitude: -8.152077 Agafay 2023/9/1
BOU Latitude: 31.202325, Longitude: -8.804183 Boulaaouane 2023/9/1
IDA Latitude: 30.597850, Longitude: -9.005761 Idaoumoumen 2023/9/1
IGH Latitude: 30.984190, Longitude: -8.288819 Ighil 2023/9/1
OUZ Latitude: 30.734580, Longitude: -8.034231 Ouzioua 2023/9/1
SET Latitude: 31.229120, Longitude: -7.669411 Setti-Fatma 2023/9/1