Station markers
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Morphology class
Based on the Italian Building Code
- T1 = Flat surface; isolated slopes and cliffs with average slope angle i < 15°
- T2 = Slopes with i > 15°
- T3 = Ridges with crest width significantly less than the base width and 15° < i < 30°
- T4 = Ridges with crest width significantly less than the base width and i > 30°
Ground type EC8
- A = Rock
- B = Very dense sand or gravel or very stiff clay
- C = Dense sand or gravel or stiff clay
- D = Loose to medium cohesionless soil or soft to firm cohesive soil
- E = Surface alluvium layer C or D, 5 to 20 m thick, over a much stiffer material
- S1, S2 = ground types requiring special studies
More information can be found here.
Station sensor type
Types: VBB (Very Broad Band), BB (Broad Band), SP (Short Period), SM (Strong Motion) and OBS (Ocean Bottom Sensor)