FDSNWS-Station Data:

Network Code Name Latitude Longitude Elevation [m] Status Start End Created
FR NIMR IMREDD 43.680200 7.202760 11.50 open 2020/10/9 2500/12/31 2020/10/9

FDSNWS-Station Instrumentation Data:

Channel Sensor type Sensor description Sensor model Sensor manufacturer Datalogger Sensitivity value Sensitivity frequency Input units name Output units name
HH1 n/a RADIAN numerical borehole and posthole sensor by Guralp RADIAN n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.723298e+09 1 m/s count
HH1 n/a RADIAN numerical borehole and posthole sensor by Guralp RADIAN n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.625504e+09 1 m/s count
HH2 n/a RADIAN numerical borehole and posthole sensor by Guralp RADIAN n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.62112e+09 1 m/s count
HH2 n/a RADIAN numerical borehole and posthole sensor by Guralp RADIAN n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.703693e+09 1 m/s count
HHZ n/a RADIAN numerical borehole and posthole sensor by Guralp RADIAN n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.734929e+09 1 m/s count
HHZ n/a RADIAN numerical borehole and posthole sensor by Guralp RADIAN n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.65872e+09 1 m/s count
LM1 n/a Mass positions in the Radian Guralp sensor RADIAN-MASPOS n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.2040134e+08 0.5 m/s**2 count
LM1 n/a Mass positions in the Radian Guralp sensor RADIAN-MASPOS n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.2040134e+08 0.5 m/s**2 count
LM2 n/a Mass positions in the Radian Guralp sensor RADIAN-MASPOS n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.2040134e+08 0.5 m/s**2 count
LM2 n/a Mass positions in the Radian Guralp sensor RADIAN-MASPOS n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.2040134e+08 0.5 m/s**2 count
LMZ n/a Mass positions in the Radian Guralp sensor RADIAN-MASPOS n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.2040134e+08 0.5 m/s**2 count
LMZ n/a Mass positions in the Radian Guralp sensor RADIAN-MASPOS n/a data acquisition part of the Radian numerical sensor by Guralp 1.2040134e+08 0.5 m/s**2 count
HNE n/a FORTIS accelerometer by Guralp FORTIS n/a MINIMUS data acquisition system by Guralp 834903.7304599999 1 m/s**2 count
HNN n/a FORTIS accelerometer by Guralp FORTIS n/a MINIMUS data acquisition system by Guralp 831626.3850999998 1 m/s**2 count
HNZ n/a FORTIS accelerometer by Guralp FORTIS n/a MINIMUS data acquisition system by Guralp 826300.6988899999 1 m/s**2 count
HHE n/a CMG40-T broad band triaxial sensor by Guralp CMG40-T n/a MINIMUS data acquisition system by Guralp 3.2609586332e+08 1 m/s count
HHN n/a CMG40-T broad band triaxial sensor by Guralp CMG40-T n/a MINIMUS data acquisition system by Guralp 3.2609586332e+08 1 m/s count
HHZ n/a CMG40-T broad band triaxial sensor by Guralp CMG40-T n/a MINIMUS data acquisition system by Guralp 3.2691519965999997e+08 1 m/s count

Basic Data:

Start End Imported from FDSN Last FDSN sync
None None Dec. 16, 2020, 2:08 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 2:08 p.m.

Owner Data:

Firstname Lastname Department Agency City Street Country Phone Email
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Morphology Data:

Geological Unit Morphology Class Ground Type EC8 Groundwater Depth [m] Vs 30 [m/s] f0 [Hz] Amp(f0) Basin Flag Bedrock Depth [m]
0 0 0 0 False 0

Housing Data:

Housing Class In Building? Number of storeys Distance to building
True 0 0

Borehole Data:

Depth [m]

Borehole Layers:

Description Top depth [m] Bottom depth [m]