Author(s): Harnafi Mimoun
Institution: Institut Scientifique Morocco
Submitted: 13th of October, 2017
OpenFIRE is a service providing access to the Finnish Reflection Experiment deep seismic sounding raw data and processed data products. The main components of the service include a description of the dataset and its geologic relevance, a web GIS service for visualising and ordering data download links to email, and an interface to stage the data on a computing platform. The version currently in production can be found from the AVAA portal of the project funder Open Science Initative of Finland (
The mobile-responsive web GIS service is implemented using data transfer interfaces standardised by the Open Geospatial Consortium and various open-source libraries. This makes it possible to easily alter the scope of the application and expand it to include more data. The modular design utilises various microservices offered by national and European e-infrastructures, such as open GIS data endpoints provided by the Geologic Survey of Finland and the National Land Survey of Finland, and an email service and an IRODS interface provided by the Open Science Initiative. Relying on external cloud services in this fashion intended to make the maintenance workload predictable and makes it possible to focus the researcher software development efforts on the parts that most critically require domain knowledge: web GIS, data management, and processing.
Data management processes have been developed for locating, structuring, and cleaning research data and converting data into standardised schemas. It has been possible to automate parts of this process making it possible to introduce new data with comparatively low effort. Further development of these processes is being done to ensure that old and upcoming seismic sounding datasets can be rapidly transformed to comply with the requirements of EPOS and other research infrastructures.
Author(s): Aleksi J. Aalto, Sakari Väkevä, Aku Heinonen, Pekka Heikkinen, Annakaisa Korja
Institution: University of Helsinki
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
Poster - the current state of the art of Portuguese seismic and accelerometric networks.
Author(s): Paulo Francisco Martins Alves et al.,
Institution: Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
Ambient vibrations array techniques are gaining success and have reached over the years enough maturity to compete with traditional approaches for site characterization. Geopsy is a popular tool set to process ambient vibrations and invert shear wave velocity profiles (Vs). It has run on all desktop PC and MacOSX with a lot of freedom and manual steps left to the user since 2005. Born some 15 years ago with a research project (SESAME 2001-2004), the concepts and the methods require a complete renewal especially towards standardization and automation to face new challenges with the multiplication massive data sets. Ambient Vibration Integrated Online Service (AVIOS in short) is a recent effort to pipe all array methods into a single robust process from measured ambient vibration signals to Vs profiles.
Recorded data are first sorted, organized and geo-localized with a desktop tool (geopsy) before being submitted to AVIOS service (currently at No specific parameter is to be selected or chosen from the user expertise. Computations are run on dedicated clusters and results are provided back to the user after a certain time. Currently AVIOS is offering only conventional FK and a rather simple inversion but high resolution FK, SPAC, ellipticity, 3-component, H/V and inversion of more complex parameterizations will be also integrated. A PDF document will be produced summarizing all results for a fast review. During the test phase all intermediate files are also available for download. Publication mechanisms of results are still under discussions (manual user selection, peer reviewing, expert users 'likes', automatic criteria,...).
The service is proposed for free if the data owner accepts an open access to the results, eventually after a grace time. The results will be then accessible through a QuakeML format to any user, registered or not. For users who wants to keep their full control over their results, payment will be required before using the service. The exact terms and rules are currently under discussions.
Author(s): Marc Wathelet
Institution: ISTerre
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
The European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF;; doi: 10.6092/INGV.IT- SHARE-EDSF) is part of the EFEHR network ( in the framework of EPOS-IP (WP8, Seismology; EDSF is a geographical database whose tables contain the parameters that characterize the faults capable of generating earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 and larger in the extended Euro-Mediterranean area. EDSF is designed to provide fundamental input in the assessment of earthquake hazards. Its present version has already been used in large-scale hazard assessments including ground-shaking hazard (ESHM13), tsunami hazard (, and in a number of local-scale studies.
A new software platform, now available at, has been implemented in order to publish EDSF features and parameters - as well as related metadata - using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service standards: Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS) for data, and Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) for metadata. The metadata were recently enriched with the implementation of the EPOS-DCAT-AP xml files in order to enable the EPOS Integrated Core Services (ICS) system to query EDSF directly through its web GUI and ensure interoperability with other EPOS services that are being implemented.
The present implementation of EDSF software platform is entirely built using some of the most widely used and stable Open Source software developed in the framework of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
This presentation will describe the IT implementation structure of EDSF and illustrate how the coherent interoperable platform of EPOS-Seismology services will serve the needs of potential users and stakeholders.
Author(s): Roberto Basili & Roberto Vallone
Institution: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
Historical earthquake data in AHEAD, the European Archive of Historical Earthquake Data, are accessible since 2010 through its web portal ( Users may access the archived data either by earthquake or by data source. In the framework of EPOS-IP the web portal has been extended to enable additional custom data filtering and geographical selections, and a series of dedicated machine-actionable web services are being developed as an alternative way to access the data ( Event data for earthquakes from the years 1000 to 1899 are available from an fdsnws-event web service implementation conforming to the v1.1 of the FDSN web service standard, and a convenient interface can be used to build queries. Unconventional parameters were added to a) perform a circular selection by specifying a radius in kilometers, instead of geographical degrees, and to b) obtain a specific event through the event identifier originally reporte d in the data source. Through this service both the preferred location from SHEEC 1000-1899 ( and alternative locations (origins) and magnitude estimates can be retrieved in three supported output formats: QuakeML v1.2 (XML), GeoJson, and text (CSV). An alternative access to event data is by means of an OGC WFS (Open Geo Spatial Consortium, Web Feature Service) service, providing vector point data in a convenient way. As most of the data contained in AHEAD derive from the literature, a bibliography web service is also available, providing Dublin Core metadata about each data source. Supported output formats for this service are XML, RDF, and BibTex. Historical earthquakes data is mostly based on macroseismic data, and an experimental service to access macroseismic data is under development. The current version of the AHEAD macroseismic data service adopts most of the query parameters of the fdsnws-event web service, and adds a ser ies of parameters to deal with MDPs (Macroseismic Data Points). Output data can be encoded in XML with the macroseismic package of QuakeML v2.0 that is being specifically developed by AHEAD, its members, and with the supervision of QuakeML developers.
Author(s): Mario Locati
Institution: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
An important earthquake of magnitude Mw=6.3 struck in Alboran Sea, North of Morocco, on January 25, 2016. The epicenter was located about 50 km NNE of Al Hoceima, the most seismically active region of Morocco. The hypocenter was estimated around 10 km. fortunately, no reports of injuries or fatalities, although some slight construction damage in Moroccan Mediterranean coastal zone. This earthquake is the strongest one since the Agadir event of February 29, 1960 (M~5.9, 12 000 victims).
The aftershocks sequence following the main shock (552 events with M³3 during 15 days) has been investigated by non-linear tools. The inter-event time between successive aftershocks is analyzed to study the temporal structure and clustering properties by means of: Omori and Korçak laws, Hurst analysis, and the autocorrelation function.
From the Gutenberg-Richter law, the b value is found to be around 0.69. The Omori law exponent is high (1.95) for a period of 7 days and not relevant for the whole period. Korçak fractal exponent is around 1.75. The autocorrelation function shows a high degree of correlation and persistence memory only during the first week, after that another temporal structure organization began. This latest observation is not in agreement with Hurst analysis which indicated a continuous and nearly uniform aftershock activity with high persistence behavior (H~0.81).
A comparison with Al Hoceima aftershocks inter-event time of February 24, 2006 (with similar magnitude) have been made showing some similarities but also and above all important differences related to their scaling properties and continuity although similar focal mechanisms and geodynamic context.
Further analysis should be implemented to explore the origin and the causes of discrepancies, and also to criticize the relevance and usefulness of some popular tools like Hurst analysis.
Author(s): Mohamed ROUAI
Institution: Earth Sci. Dept. Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
In this research, it is tried to update and revise the most recent strong motion and intensity dataset of Iran and to prepare new intensity prediction equations. The intensity information of the Iranian earthquakes consists of the earthquakes with only the reported intensity values, with only the descriptions, and with both the descriptions and the intensity values. The intensity information was collected from available books, articles, and field reports of different Iranian research centers (i.e. International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Building and Housing Research Center (BHRC), Geological Survey of Iran (GSI), and National Geoscience Database of Iran (NGDIR)). Applying the Orthogonal regression, some relationships between the different reported intensity scales were calculated for Iran in order to homogenize the available data on a new scale. Besides, with regard to the available seismological, geodetic and satellite data in Tehran and considering
the existence of high earthquake hazard in this city, Tehran is suggested to be considered as a permanent supersite within the framework of the GEO Geohazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories (GSNL) initiative.
Author(s): Mehdi Zare
Institution: International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES)
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
The COI station, which is currently operated by the Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory of University of Coimbra (GAOUC), was the first seismic station to be installed in Portugal mainland and one of the first in Iberia. Since the installation of the Milne seismograph in 1903, the COI station went through several stages of modernization, and is today equipped with a modern broadband Streckeisen ST2-sensor connected to a Quanterra Q330 digitizer. The COI station data are locally stored and relayed in near real time to the national main seismic institution (Instituto do Mar e da Atmosfera – IPMA) and to international data centers, such as the ORFEUS and IRIS, where can be freely accessed for network analysis of earthquake seismic data.
Author(s): Ana Gomes & Paulo Ribeiro
Institution: Centre for Earth and Space Research of the University of Coimbra and University of Coimbra
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
The portuguese seismological service has implemented the ShakeMap software package provided by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to produce shakemaps in near real-time for Portugal region, since 2008. Shakemaps (Wald et al. 1999b) are maps that show the spatial distribution of recorded and estimated peak ground motions (velocity, acceleration, and response spectra) and estimate the corresponding felt-intensity at locations throughout a region, for purposes of providing rapid public, planning and emergency response information in the immediate aftermath of local and regional earthquakes.
Since 2014, the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) make available at its webpage, on a routine basis, the shakemaps produced for Portugal mainland and Madeira archipelago ( The shakemaps are made, typically, within 5 to 7 minues from the event record at seismic network.
The maps are produced based on regional constraints from instrumental ground motions and site amplifications. The integration of macroseismic observations in the system improves the quality of the maps. The site amplifications are derived from shear-wave velocity data averaged from surface to a depth of 30 m (Vs30).
Some examples are presented and discussed.
Author(s): Celia Maria da Luz de Novais Marreiros
Institution: Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera
Submitted: 10th of October, 2017
The westernmost Mediterranean deformation is a tectonic expression of north-south convergence between Eurasia and Africa plate since 70 million years (Philip, 1983 ; Mc Kenzie, 1972). In Algeria, The earthquake's distribution shows that it occur mostly in northern part of the country, at shallow depths (<10 Km).
After the destructive El Asnam earthquake 1980, the Algerian government took a measure to asses the seismic risk mitigation in Algeria, such as creation of the National Center for Applied Research in Earthquake Engineering (CGS). CGS is in charge of the accelerometric national network (ANN) since it's creation in 1985, the network is constituted by 335 stations (170 analog stations SMA-1, 40 digital stations SSA-1 and 125 digital stations Etna). In 2017, 160 Kinemetrics ETNA 2 digital stations was acquired for the modernization of the national network for strong motion monitoring by replacing the analogue stations (SMA-1).
CGS is also monitoring a weak motion, a network of 5 broadband stations (Quanterra Q330 Baler Model 14D, Streckeisen STS-2) was acquired and two stations are installed respectively in Algiers the capital city and in North Biskra in the junction between the Sahara atlas mountain and the Sahara plateau in Eastern part of the country. 10 short period stations are used for aftershock's recording (Kinemetrics K2, Lennartz LE-3Dlit).
Actually we are working on data telemetry using phone sim card and internet connection. Seiscomp3 will be used.
Author(s): CHIKH Moad
Institution: National Center for Applied Research in Earthquake Engineering (CGS)
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
EPOS Seismology is built upon the rich history of coordination projects and infrastructures in seismology and Europe. The services offered by EPOS Seismology are consequently grouped along the three ‘pillars’ waveform services, seismological products, and hazard and risk. EMSC proposes new seismological products to give access to information related to earthquake parameters : location, time, magnitude, moment tensors or source models, or from earthquake observations, like eyewitness reports.
Author(s): Matthieu Landès
Institution: EMSC
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
The Alhama de Murcia and the Carboneras faults are the most prominent geologic structures that form part of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (EBSZ). Using continuous and campaign GPS observations conducted during the last decade, we were able to confirm the continuing tectonic activity of these two faults by quantifying their geodetic slip-rates and comparing the estimated values with the geological (including paleoseismological) observations.
We find that the bulk of the observed deformation is concentrated around the Alhama de Murcia (AMF) and Palomares faults (PF). The geodetic horizontal slip rate (reverse-sinistral) of 1.5±0.3 mm/yr calculated for the AMF and PF fault system is in good agreement with geological observations, as well as, the focal mechanism of the 2011 Lorca earthquake. We also find that similar left-lateral motion dominates the kinematics of the Carboneras fault zone (CFZ), with a strike-slip rate of 1.3±0.2 mm/yr along N48º direction. The shortening component is significantly lower and poorly constrained. The recent onshore and offshore paleoseismic and geomorphologic results across the CFZ have suggested a minimum Quaternary strike-slip rate of 1.1 mm/yr. The similarity of paleoseismic and geodetic slip rates measured at different points along the faults, suggests that the AMF and CF faults have been tectonically active since Quaternary, slipping at approximately constant rate of 1.5 mm/yr. Since
we cannot discern the nature of the strain accumulation along the CFZ (e.g. creep vs. locking) by GPS data, we have compared seismic and geodetic strain rates. Geodetic strain rates are larger than seismic strain rates, suggesting the presence of aseismic processes in the area. Nevertheless, due to the large earthquake recurrence intervals, we may be underestimating the seismic strain rates. The direction of the P and T average stress axes are in good agreement with geodetic principal strain rate axes.
To summarize, in eastern Betics, Alhama de Murcia and Carboneras left-lateral faults are the most active faults and they play an important role in the regional plate convergence kinematics.
Author(s): Giorgi Khazaradze
Institution: University of Barcelona
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
UKarray is a transportable array of ~40 broadband seismometers the United Kingdom is using to gain additional seismic data on top of its permanent network. The first phase of deployment is almost complete in the North of England, and thereafter the array will remain in position for 3+ years. It will then begin a rolling migration across the country.
The Array aims to improve our understanding of seismicity within the UK, particularly by improving detection thresholds for seismic activity. This is particularly pertinent, as hydraulic fracturing of shale gas deposits has been approved at two locations in the North of England. Array geometry has been modified to both provide a baseline of background seismicity before extraction occurs, and provide an independent source of data in the event of unexpected induced seismicity. Public engagement with our work has been crucial for this reason. UKarray also provides an obvious way to expand the UK’s permanent network, with better UKarray sites becoming to permanent stations.
The constraints of sometimes having to operate in partially urbanised areas have also been an issue, with innovative station design as well as a small number of borehole sites being used to try and overcome both flooding and anthropogenic noise.
A condition of UKarray is that all data is freely available to any party. This is via the major data archives in the UK and Europe, where it is archived in the same manner as UK permanent stations. It is anticipated the BGS will also shortly be providing the UKarray data directly from its website.
Author(s): David Hawthorn
Institution: The British Geological Survey
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
In order to mitigate disaster losses, it is necessary to establish an effective disaster management and risk system. The first step of the management is constituted by preparedness studies before the earthquake (disaster). In order to determine hazard and risk situation, it is required that to have a seismological observation network due to the monitoring, evaluation, recording and archiving of the earthquakes in the country-wide scale. As of October 2017, 255 broad band seismic stations have been operated by AFAD. All of the stations transmit continuously their signal real-time to the Earthquake Department Seismic Data Center via alternative communication modules (Satellite, GPRS, ADSL etc). Earthquake activity in Turkey and near surrounding has been observed 7 days / 24 hours, in DDA data center in Ankara.
Capability of the network is to determine an earthquake which is minimum local magnitude ML= 1.0 generally, the places where the stations are concentrated. When earthquake parameters are determined automatic solution program (Seiscomp3) and manual solution program (Earthquake Analysis) are used together. Manual solution program (EA) was developed with Visual Basic 6.0. It reads GCF, SUDS, SEISAN, SAC and miniSEED formats. EA storage the all information what it needs and self-generated data in associative database (MS SQL Server, Access). 8 types of magnitude are calculated by EA (ML, Md, MS (BB), MS (20), MB (BB), Mb, Mw and Mwp). After the earthquake which is magnitude greater than 4.0, earthquake notification has been sent to relevant persons via sms, fax and e-mail. Also, to determine earthquake source fault, focal mechanism solutions has been performed according to p wave first motion and moment tensor method.
AFAD is an official authority regarding the seismological studies in Turkey. Within this scope, AFAD has launched “Turkey Earthquake Data Center (TDVM)” Project in 2011 and the center went into operation in December, 2014. With this project, it is aimed to be center where all real-time data recorded (weak and strong motion) at existent station that have been operated by AFAD, another universities and institutions in Turkey is collected, stored, archived and shared with all users. As of October 2017, there are 13 members of TDVM together with AFAD.
While AFAD is conducting its studies in seismology, it continues to cooperate with international partnerships. AFAD, Earthquake Department is a member of European-Mediterranan Seismological Center (EMSC-CSEM), Observatories & Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS), International Seismological Center (ISC) and International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN). AFAD has been cooperating with aforementioned institutions in the framework of determination of seismic hazard of the Eastern Mediterranean Region for many years. On the other hand, besides these collaborations, AFAD is mutually sharing seismic data with countries located in the nearby geographical region as Georgia, Serbia and Hungary. It is planned that the cooperation will continue with other neighboring countries in the near future.
Author(s): Filiz Tuba Kadirioğlu
Institution: AFAD, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Department
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP) has started the development of its own real-time seismic network since 2002. The network is designed to monitor the seismic activity on Romania territory, which is dominated by intermediate earthquake from the Vrancea area. The seismic stations are equipped with Quanterra Q330 or Basalt digitizers, broad-band seismometers (STS2, CMG40T, CMG 3ESP, CMG3T, PBB-200s) or short-period sensors (MARK L4C, MARK L22, RANGER). Most of the velocity sensors are collocated with Episensors Kinemetrics acceleration sensors. The processing software used by the Romanian Seismic Network are Antelope and Seiscomp3. Data is transmitted in real time to the National Data Center (NDC) and Eforie Nord (EFOR) Seismic Observatory. EFOR is the back-up for the NDC and also a monitoring center for Black Sea tsunami events. Communication for the real-time data is ensured by different types of transmission: GPRS, satellite radio and Internet communication and a dedicated
line provided by a governmental network. All the data are acquired at NIEP for Early Warning System and for rough estimation of the earthquake parameters. NIEP recently has started to developed a permanent GPS network. The GPS Permanent stations have mixed equipment. A vast majority of them being equipment's produced by Leica Company: SR530, GRX 1200 GGPro, GRX1200 + GNSS, GR10 and the newest GR30 receivers type and antenna models used are LEIAT504, LEIAT504GG, LEIAR10, LEIAX1202GG and 2 stations Septentrio. Data acquisition is made in real time in RAW DATA format using the programs: Leica GNSS Spider and Septentrio Rx. Romanian Seismic Network developed tools to enable centralizing of data from software like Antelope and Seiscomp3. These tools allow to share information with the public (information about the damages observed after an earthquake which intern is being used to produce macroseismic intensity indices which are then stored in the database and also made available via
the web application). NIEP is an EIDA (European Integrated Data Archive) primary node since 2014 and sharing real time data from Romanian Seismic Network, Moldavian Seismic Network and Bulgarian Seismic Network.
Author(s): Cristian Neagoe
Institution: National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
This presentation details the evolution, precision and completeness of the earthquake catalogue compiled by the Spanish National Geographic Institute. Over 100,000 earthquakes are included in this database, occurred in a region embracing Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Andorra and parts of France and Algeria. The catalogue has improved along time, thanks to the development of the seismic network and the upgrades of the routine data acquisition and analysis. The location precision is found to be much better on the Iberian Peninsula than offshore and benefited especially from the implementation of modern automatic procedures for hypocentral determinations. Detailed successive maps of magnitude of completeness are calculated for the Iberian Peninsula, Canary Islands and surroundings, for periods which take into account the evolution of the network and changes in the magnitude scales used. These maps show that the catalogue has become progressively more complete down to smaller magnitudes over
the last decades, with a particularly sudden improvement when the digital broadband network was deployed. Earthquakes are found to be more frequently recorded during nights and weekends, thanks to the lower artificial noise. Despite most blasts have been filtered out of the catalogue, examples of remaining ones are identified by their spatial clustering around mines and quarries, and their timing at the intervals at which blasts are set off (even at night, in contrast to the common assumption that they only occur during daytime). This work highlights the importance of unveiling the spatial and temporal heterogeneities of earthquake catalogues and aims to help future analyses of the seismicity in the region.
Author(s): Álvaro González
Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Submitted: 9th of October, 2017
We have been collecting citizen testimonies for 18 years in France, a region of moderate seismicity for the metropolitan part and in a subduction context for the West Indies part. We collect frequently several thousands testimonies after Mw>≈4.5. Thanks to the selection of “intensity characteristic thumbnails”, we can provide in real time a single questionnary intensity (SQI) averaged at the city scale for a preliminary EMS98 intensity.
We observed that about 65% of these “thumbnails SQI” are identical to the “final expert SQI” and the remaining part is shifted by only an intensity degree.
With about 36000 cities (1 per 14 square km), we are able to sample in details the territory when the about 400 seismic stations give irreplaceable precise ground motion parameters but very local and most of the times at a farther epicentral distance. The information and benefits of booth data are used to compute de ShakeMap.
Since 2012, we contribute as intensity provider for ShakeMap in Pyrenees range ( Since spring 2016, we run the ShakeMap V3.5 for the whole territory of France with several adaptations for region with moderate size events. The BCSF-RéNaSS provides Intensities (, RESIF the instrumental data ( with the West Indies observatories (OVSG-OVSM) and few stations of bordering countries.
Feedbacks are for example: a huge improvement at any distance by including intensities, necessity to use regional attenuation law, detection of important ML overestimation in few regions, strong dependence to the epicenter localization, recent published GMICE well adapted for merging instrumental and macroseismic data. What we learn from ShakeMap is also a valuable contribution for hazard assessment.
We aim to continuously improve the results for a state reference ShakeMap through a specific “ShakeMap transverse action” and its working group in the frame of RESIF.
Author(s): Antoine Schlupp
Institution: EOST / BCSF-RéNaSS
Submitted: 6th of October, 2017
The Irish National Seismic Network (INSN) has been recording since 1978. Since 2010, the number of seismic stations has been increased from two to six, of which all are operating broadband instruments that stream data in realtime to the national data centre at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS). The routine analysis of the data centre is conducted primarily using the SeisComp3 software.
Historically, Ireland has been categorised as a region with high background noise levels and low natural seismicity. From 1980-2010, the typical seismicity was approximately 3 earthquakes per year. Since the expansion of the network in 2010, this has increased to roughly 10 events per year. Research undertaken at the national data centre using temporary mobile networks (Ireland Array, WAVEOBS, SIMCRUST and ISLE) in conjunction with the various research groups at DIAS has increased the observed seismicity further through the use of waveform cross-correlation to detect repeating events. As the vast majority of events detected in Ireland are man-made events such as quarry and mine blasts, the discrimination between these classes of events is an ongoing research topic at the national data centre. In addition we illustrate the effect an increased station density would have on the minimum magnitude detectability threshold for the network sensitivity.
Author(s): T Blake*1 J R Grannell1, M Mllhoff1, P Arroucau1
Institution: 1Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Geophysics Section, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin
Submitted: 6th of October, 2017
The Catalan Seismic Network (ICGC-IEC, 1996) monitors the seismicity of Catalonia and nearby regions. Instrumental seismic recording in Catalonia started early in the XX Century. The first seismic station (EBR) started its operation in 1905 at Observatori de l’Ebre.
Nowadays the Catalan Seismic Network (CA) consists of 24 broadband stations and 20 strong motion stations. These stations are property of several institutions: ICGC, LEGEF-IEC, Institut d’Estudis Andorrans, Observatori de l’Ebre and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. During the next two years, 2 new broadband stations will be installed and the strong motion network will be densified. Data from all these stations is received continuously in real-time and archived at the ICGC’s Datacenter in Barcelona. Data from some stations is shared in real-time with other institutions (ORFEUS, IRIS, IGN, etc.…).
Even though all partners of CA network are committed to an open data policy, up to now archived waveforms were only available upon request. Since March 2017, a new SeisComP3 is available at ICGC’s Datacenter receiving data in real-time from 21 stations of CA network and making them available under the standards of FDSNWS. The server ( has been successfully registered in the FDSN as a Datacenter supporting FDSN “metadata” and “dataselect” web services.
The entire archive of all these 21 stations has been added and is now available. Currently we are still working adding new stations of CA network to this server, including all their back archive. Early 2018, data from the entire CA network will be available on the server, as well as those from closed and temporary stations. As result, data from more than 60 stations will be openly available.
Author(s): J. A. Jara (1); T. Frontera (1); J. Batlló (1); M. Tapia (2); J. Irizarry (1); N. Romeu (1); P. Valls (1); A. Marcè (1); A. Elvira (1); S. Figueras (1);
Institution: (1) Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya -ICGC, Barcelona (2) Laboratori d'Estudis Geofísics Eduard Fontserè - Institut d’Estudis Catalans – LEGEF - IEC, Barcelona
Submitted: 6th of October, 2017
The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a European project about building a pan-European infrastructure for accessing solid Earth science data. The EPOS-Norway project (EPOS-N) is a Norwegian project funded by National Research Council and is closely linked to the European EPOS project. The aims of EPOS-N project are divided into three work packages where the first one is about integrating Norwegian geoscientific data into an e-infrastructure (web portal). The other two work packages are about improving the geoscientific monitoring in the Arctic and about creating a Solid Earth Science Forum to communicate the progress within the geoscientific community and also providing feedback to the development group of the e-infrastructure. There are 5 institutions in Norway actively participating and providing data in the EPOS-N project – University of Bergen (UIB), University of Oslo (UIO), National Mapping Authority (NMA), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) and NORSAR. The data which are about to be integrated are divided into categories – seismology, geodesy, geological maps and geophysical data. Before the data will be integrated into the e-infrastructure their formats need to follow the international standards which were already developed by the communities of geoscientists. Also, description of the data, i.e. metadata, needs to be clarified and recognized within the CERIF database system. For now, there are 33 Data, Data Products, Software and Services (DDSS) described in EPOS-N list. In the poster we present the Norwegian approach to the integration of the geoscientific data into the e-infrastructure, closely following the European EPOS project development. The partner in the project - Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) is specialized in visualizations of data and developing of an interactive web portal allowing to users making workflows (using Jupyter Notebook). One of the main challenges is to integrate the various data and bring them to a single environment.
Author(s): Jan Michalek, Kuvvet Atakan, Xiaoliang Wang, Christian Ronnevik, Karen Tellefsen, Tor Langeland, Ove Daae Lampe
Institution: University of Bergen & Christian Michelsen Research - Bergen, Norway
Submitted: 5th of October, 2017
Initiated firstly in 1973, strong motion observations have been performed by Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) Earthquake Department. Being one of the significant SM data providers, Turkey Strong Motion Network (TR-NSMN) is equipped with 670 new generation accelerometers at present. Thanks to the new accelerometers installed every year, TR-KYH network has been improved in terms of both instrument quality and number of the stations. These stations are mostly deployed around dense urban areas located on active fault zone as free-field. Within the framework of AFAD-TDVM, putted into effect in 2013, SM data acquisition is provided as on-line and in continuous mode. Besides, in order to find out earthquake effects closely, 11 local networks some of which are obtained within the scope of various cooperation with universities and governmental establishments have been installed on or around active seismic areas and densely populated settlements. Since 1976 when the first re cord was obtained, TR-NSMN has enlarged archive, consisting of about 35.000 records as of 2017, year by year. Raw (M≥3.0) and manually processed data between 1976-2008 and also their elastic response and fourier amplitude spectrums acquired through a consistent method, are submitted to the researchers via TR-NSMN portal allows users to query earthquake and station information to select and download all accelerometric waveforms without any registration procedure. In addition to these, site information of all SM stations comprising the average shear wave velocity of the upper 30m.(Vs,30) and fundamental frequency (f0) has recently been determined through active (MASW) and passive (REMI and Microtremor) geophysical methods and categorized according to both draft Turkish Building Earthquake Code (TBEC) and international site classifications. On the other hand, implementation of the software package ShakeMap, developed by the USGS Earthquake Hazards Progra m (Wald et al., 2006) has been provided. Thanks to SeisComp3 scwfparam (Cauzzi et al., 2013), SM records directly coming from SM stations are automatically processed and PGA and the instrumentally derived intensity maps are generated in few minutes after an earthquake occurrence. Moreover, it is possible to access to earthquake reports (M≥4.5) including some SM parameters and all products of abovementioned projects via web portal of TR-NSMN as well.
Author(s): Eren Tepeğur
Institution: Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Turkey
Submitted: 5th of October, 2017
The concept of a reliable communication where transfer of seismic data across wide area with low power and sustainable cost using different technologies is challenging particularly in Nigeria. Several new challenges, yet unknown or obscure for reliable data transfer to take place are inherent in telecommunication providers particularly in Nigeria. An integration of wide area network with the internet is likely to pose many impediments in Nigeria, since Internet service providing for data based communication both wired and wireless have not been optimized. Take for instance, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), a packet-based wireless extension of Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), which is being deployed almost everywhere in the world. GPRS can offer an “always on” connectivity across seismographic stations, with a geographical coverage over a wide-area and data rates comparable to that of conventional fixed-line telephone modems. Availability of public IPs can seamlessly create Wide Area Network across nodes and protocols like Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) can serve as alternative to public IP are not integrated in GSM/GPRS networks in Nigeria.
Author(s): Dauda Duncan
Institution: Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics, No. 2, Secreatariat Road, Toro, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Submitted: 5th of October, 2017
On January 25th, 2016, a shallow Mw6.3 earthquake occurred in the south-western Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). This event was followed by at least 2000 aftershocks recorded by seismic networks of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) and Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA). In the last 20 years, only two earthquakes with moderate magnitude took place in this area, the 1994 Mw6.0 and the 2004 Mw6.3 events. Tectonically, the Alboran Sea basin is a complex zone, being compressed between the Iberian and African plates, roughly in direction NNW-SSE. To extend insight into this event, previously provided by the already published papers (Bufforn et al., 2017; Medina et al., 2017), we used waveform data from 17 broad-band near-regional stations in Spain, Morocco and Algeria, and we focused on the following issues: a) Centroid position and focal mechanism (CMT solution) is calculated; b) Possible source complexity is investigated by employing trial source positions along a line in azimuth N30E, and applying iterative deconvolution; it reveals two sub-events of comparable size; c) Mechanism of the first sub-event is similar to our CMT solution (strike-slip), but mechanism of the second sub-event (which occurs 12 sec later, and is shifted towards NE) is different and less stable. However, we found a very stable time function of complete duration ~20s. The study continues toward clarifying relation between the focal mechanism of the second sub-event and the thrust-faulting aftershocks found NE of epicenter by other investigators (Buf forn et al., 2017; Medina et al., 2017). A preliminary conclusion is that the event featured a segmented fault.
Author(s): Dina Vales, Jiří Zahradník
Institution:Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, Lisbon, Portugal & Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Submitted: 4th of October, 2017
The Slovak National Network of Seismic Stations (NNSS) has been rebuilt, modernized and extended in the years 2001-2004. Three basic types of stations can be classified like cave, well and surface stations. All seismic stations were equipped with a sensor (short period or broadband), 16bit digitizers, GPS, classic PC and satellite at the beginning. Currently the network consists of eight short period and five broadband seismic stations. The average number of the localized tectonic earthquakes with epicenter on the territory of Slovakia is approximately 70-90 per year. Accurate localization of earthquakes allows precise definition of seismo-active areas, respectively. Due to modernized seismic network, the connection of earthquakes with geological neotectonic and recently active faults zones is more confirmed. Recent years of data acquisition and processing showed the necessity to build some additional stations in various parts of Slovakia. Several additional stations have already bee n added in cooperation with other institutions (some of them only temporarily), however adding some more stations would be useful. Slovak permanent geodynamic GNSS network was created within the activities of CERGOP, CERGOP-2 Environment and CEGRN projects. Its modernization and replenishment was carried out within the framework of the National Center for Diagnosing the Earth Surface Deformations in Slovakia. The network consists from 15 sites. It is combination of own and all geodynamically monumented points included in IGS, EUREF, EUPOS and SKPOS networks, situated in the area of the Slovakia. All sites are equipped with state of the art multi frequency receivers and antennas that support all available navigation systems (NAVSTAR, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU). Original raw data in 1 Hz rate are collecting simultaneously to the Local EUREF Analytic Center SUT. Then they are cleaned, filtered and prepared for next steps. Final processing with the rest permanent GNSS stations situated in Central Europe is performed in Bernese Software version 5.2 in accordance with recommendations of the IGS and EUREF community. Results are primarily oriented for recent Central Europe geokinematics and deformation field modelling.
Author(s): Csicsay, K., Fojtíková, L., Cipciar, A., Madarás, J., Papčo, J.
Institution: Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences & Department of Theoretical Geodesy, Slovak University of Technology
Submitted: 1st of October, 2017
The Dead Sea Transform (DST) has accommodated left-lateral transform motion of 105 km between the African and Arabian plates since early Miocene (?20 My). The DST strikes in a north-northeast direction and extends over some 1000 km from the active spreading center of the Red Sea, to the continental collision zone in the Taurus-Zagross mountain belt. The Dead Sea Region is an exceptional ecosystem whose seismic activity has influenced all facets of the development, from ground water availability to human evolution. Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians living in the Dead Sea region are exposed to severe earthquake hazard. Repeatedly large earthquakes (e.g. 1927, magnitude 6.0; (Ambraseys, 2009)) shook the whole Dead Sea region proving that earthquake hazard knows no borders and damaging seismic events can strike anytime. Combined with the high vulnerability of cities in the region and with the enormous concentration of historical values this natural hazard results in an extreme earthquake risk. Thus, an integration of earthquake parameters at all scales (size and time) and their combination with data of infrastructure are needed with the specific aim of providing a state-of-the-art seismic hazard assessment for the Dead Sea region as well as a first quantitative estimate of vulnerability and risk. A strong motivation for our research is the lack of reliable multi-parameter ground-based geophysical information on earthquakes in the Dead Sea region. The proposed set up of a number of observatories with on-line data access will enable to derive the present-day seismicity and deformation pattern in the Dead Sea region. The first multi-parameter stations were installed in Jordan, Israel and Palestine for long-time monitoring. All partners will jointly use these locations. All stations will have an open data policy, with the Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ, Potsdam, Germany) providing the hard and software for real-time data transmission via satellite to Germany, where all partners can access the data via standard data protocols.
Author(s): Ayman Mohsen
Institution: ESSEC, An Najah national University
Submitted: 27th of September, 2017